Server Basket Privacy Policy

At Server Basket, we give high priority to our customer’s/buyers data. Your privacy matters a lot to us, so we don’t misuse your personal information with anyone. Please go through our privacy policy to know more about our information gathering and what measures do we take to safeguard your information. We want our customers to feel secure and confident while submitting the information on our website.

Server Basket Privacy Assurance:

We strive hard to protect your privacy, and your trust is our top priority. Server Basket will not share or sell your details to any other organization or marketing agencies. When you submit any sensitive information, we will safeguard it both offline and online. We only use your information to provide the products that are offered on Server Basket.

Data That Server Basket Collects:

When you register on our website or when you purchase any product, we will collect and save your data. We only collect the information that is required to provide you with the products that we offer. You can visit our website without providing any personal information, but in order to make a purchase or to register an as a user, you need to create an account with your personal information. In order to register as a buyer on our website, you will need to provide details such as name, address, contact number, shipping address, email id, password etc. and other details asked in the website. You do not need to worry about your sensitive information; we will keep it confidential.

How Do We Use Cookies?

We use cookies to collect data. Cookies are the small files that help our servers to identify your device as a unique visitor when you browse through several pages of Your internet browser stores all the cookies on the hard drive of your device. If your browser permits, you can clear cookies buy you may not be able to use the complete features of our website. Please note that we only use cookies to give you a better experience while using our site and not for gathering any other personal information. Cookies help us to understand your interests and also helps us to analyze the website traffic so that we can offer more good experience to you in future.

What Information Do We Disclose To Our Shipping Partners?

We have associated with the leading shipping partners in UAE to deliver the products quickly without any damages at your doorstep. We will share the details such as your name, mobile number, email id and shipping address that enables them to deliver the products.

Data Security:

To safeguard your data and to protect it from unexpected threats or data loss, we have appropriate security measures in place. Our servers and the customer’s information can be accessed only by our staff. Outsiders or third party agencies cannot access our servers or your information. We monitor and scan our servers carefully to detect security holes and fix them on a regular basis to keep your data safe. All the transactions will be securely processed through a payment gateway provider, and the information will not be stored in our servers.

Privacy Policy Updates:

Server Basket has all the rights to change or modify the privacy policy at any time by displaying a notice on our website to ensure that all our users will come to know about it. You can convey your feedback to us via live chat, email, phone call or by filling the feedback form available on the website.

You Consent:

Upon using the site and by registering as a user, you agree to the collection of the data that you provide while filling any form on the website. At any point of time, if we plan to change the privacy policy, then we will post regarding the modification to let you know what information we collect and for which purpose we use it.